I've certainly let my blog writing go.... don't know if there's anyone out there listening to any of this boring blather, anyway.
It's time for another Menucha, that's how long it's been.
So this time, I'll be teaching encaustic, the process of painting with hot wax. I love the smell, the feel, and working with a torch!
Hopefully, we will all keep our fingers and hair and create some decent art. I can say that this medium is personally very rewarding, more so than watercolors.
Today was the celebration at Lake Oswego arts festival. I got an award for a painting called Serengeti. I had caught this scene while watching Planet Earth and put the TV on pause, got out the drawing board and prepped a painting. it sure opens up possibilities for painting resources.
Really caught up watching Wimbledon lately, so the painting is on hold.....